I recently watched a video by Eckhart Tolle, where he shared a transformative insight about the art of intention-setting. He pointed out something deeply profound: the greatest barrier to achieving our intentions is setting them from a place of desperation. When we act out of fear, sadness, or lack, the energy we emit carries these same vibrations—and this, in turn, limits what we can attract into our lives.
Tolle’s wisdom resonates deeply with the concept of becoming what you wish to attract. The most powerful way to manifest our intentions is to see them as if they have already been achieved. Visualizing this fulfilled reality isn’t about pretending or faking—it’s about aligning ourselves energetically with the version of life we aspire to create. When we set intentions from a place of calm, joy, and wholeness, we open the doors to receiving those same energies from the universe.
This idea also highlights an important truth: we must tend to our inner world before we can effectively shape our outer world. When we find ourselves in a state of desperation—grasping for something to fill the void or solve a problem—we may inadvertently amplify that very void. It’s not to say that feeling lost or overwhelmed disqualifies us from creating a better life, but it does mean that we first need to process the emotions or traumas that anchor us in that space.
Desperation, sadness, and fear often stem from unresolved pain or limiting beliefs shaped by past experiences. These feelings deserve our attention and care, not suppression or avoidance. Processing them can involve journaling, meditation, therapy, or even simply sitting with those emotions and acknowledging them. By doing so, we create a foundation of emotional stability—one that allows us to shift into a more positive and receptive state.
When we’re grounded in this place of positivity and gratitude, intention-setting becomes an act of co-creation with the universe/God/divine rather than a plea for rescue. It’s about aligning with the energy of abundance and allowing that energy to flow freely through our lives. Instead of asking for what we lack, we embody the belief that it’s already on its way, trusting in the natural rhythm of life to bring us what we need.
This practice is not about denying difficult emotions or pretending life is perfect. It’s about honoring the process: acknowledging where we are, doing the inner work to heal, and then stepping forward with clarity and intention. By setting intentions from a place of alignment, we become magnets for the very things we wish to attract.
So, the next time you sit down to envision your dreams, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. Reflect on the energy you’re bringing into the moment. Are you coming from a place of lack, or are you stepping into the truth of abundance? The difference is transformative. It’s the key to not only attracting your intentions but also to becoming the person who is ready to receive them.